Restore Your Smile with Dental Implants

Replace missing teeth and restore your smile with dental implants, a permanent alternative to dentures and other removable tooth dental implantsreplacement options. Dental implants gradually fuse to the jaw bone and become permanently affixed to it. Once fusion is complete, the implants will not come loose or fall out when eating or speaking. Further, dental implants look and function like natural teeth. Dr. Frank Casarella is your dentist for dental implants in Seekonk, MA.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants fill in the gaps where natural teeth are missing. Unlike other removable tooth replacement options, dental implants are permanent. The base of the dental implant is fused to the jaw bone, which anchors it in place. Since dental implants are permanent, there is no need to worry about them slipping out of place when biting into food or when speaking. Additionally, permanent installation means there is no need to apply a dental adhesive daily to hold the implants in place.

There are three parts to a dental implant: a metal implant, an abutment, and a crown. The metal implant is situated below the gum line and is the portion of the dental implant that fuses with the jaw bone. It acts as a tooth root anchoring the entire dental implant in place. The abutment is installed on top of the metal implant and is used to connect the implant and the crown. The crown, often made of porcelain, serves as the replacement tooth. It is the only portion of the dental implant that is visible after installation.

Dental implants look and function like natural teeth. Once installed, no one else will be able to tell the difference between your natural teeth and the dental implants. Your dentist for dental implants in Seekonk can help you decide if they are the right tooth replacement option for you.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants are not the only option for replacing missing teeth, but they offer several benefits over dentures and bridgework, which tend to be removable. Since installation of dental implants is permanent, there is no need to apply a messy dental adhesive daily to hold them in place. Additionally, dental implants will not come loose or slip out of place, as can sometimes happen with dentures when eating or speaking. Dental implants offer the following benefits:

  • Replace missing teeth and restore your smile
  • Look and function like natural teeth
  • Will not come loose or fall out when eating or speaking
  • Messy dental adhesives are not needed

Restore your smile with dental implants by permanently filling in the gaps where teeth are missing. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Casarella, your dentist for dental implants in Seekonk, MA, call the office at (508) 761-8668.

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